Title: The Only Way (Only, #4)
Author: Magan Vernon
Release Date: March 18, 2015
“No need to be digging at my ink.” I unbuttoned the pearl snaps on my shirt to reveal the extensive piece on my chest. “This isn't bad.”
“Yeah for your first piece. Now that you’ve started coming to me, I’ve fixed you up. You look legit.”
“Okay, you win, Frankie. You’re the best and you fucking know it.”
He laughed. “Of course I am.”
Frankie sat down on his stool and wheeled over, his eyes trailing to my neck. “We have a piece here on the side where we could mix something in with the flora.”
“It’s not floral. It’s leaves. Badass leaves.”
“Yeah, yeah, pretty boy. You call them whatever helps you sleep at night.” He ran his thumb along the side of my neck before he pulled a spray bottle from the cart and sprayed the disinfectant on me. “Yeah. I think we could do something nice here.”
I closed my eyes. “All right. I trust you as long as you don’t give me a fucking bald eagle.”
He laughed. “No promises, cuz.”
The hum of the needle was like a lullaby. As soon as the needle hit my skin I had to bite my lip to hold back a sigh. The pain that the delicate hum brought was always so freeing. Like I could just escape into that ache and not feel anything else.
I could forget that I didn’t have a job or some random chick I’d just met was living with me. I could escape the real world and go into my own lull. It was that place between dreaming and being wide awake. I think there’s a name for it, but I just called it my own sweet purgatory that I got to escape to every time I went under the needle.
“Okay, Trippy, just finishing up the shading and we’ll be ready to go.”
Frankie’s words barely registered as I slowly opened my eyes to get back to the real world. The humming died down and he swiped a towel on my neck. “Okay. I hope you like it because there’s no going back unless we cover it up with a giant flower to go with these other pussy little leaves.”
I was going to say something witty back but once he held the mirror up to me, all the air was sucked out of my lungs and all I could do was stare at the work on my neck.
Flying up toward toward my chin was a swallow, but instead of being traced in black or with the rainbow of colors of the flowers and vines on my neck it was recessed and shaded with white and brown. In a world of color it stood out like it was rising from whatever was holding it and dared to be different.

Only Series
The Only Exception (Only, #1)
The Only Answer (Only, #2)
The Only One (Only, #3)
The Only Way (Only, #4)
About the Author
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